
Scroll down to explore the many programs at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center, where your generous contribution can help build and support a vital and inclusive community for movers of all ages and styles.

Ginkgo Campaign

The GINKGO CAMPAIGN gives you the opportunity to celebrate our joyful community by contributing to our general operations fund. This year we will be focusing on growing partnerships with other community organizations, developing rich programming for both youth and adults, and completing the long overdue task of retrofitting our building. We invite you to join us as the ginkgo trees outside lend to the human experience, as does the act of dance.  As the ginkgo trees turn to gold this fall, so does our community– bringing a bright and meaningful future to the SADC community.  In order for us to see this through, we need your support today!

a young child dancing


Youth Scholarships

The May O'Donnell Scholarship Fund is named for Frank Shawl and Victor Anderson's mentor. She believed that dance is learned best in a supportive community. The fund invites youth families at all levels of need to apply for scholarship support each semester.


The Warry Millar Scholarship Fund was established to support male identifying youth and adults in their dance journeys at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center. Warry Millar danced at Shawl-Anderson for years and left us with a bright legacy – a legacy filled with joy, creativity, and meaning through dance. The scholarship program will play a key part in our ability to create many points of access to dance across varying life experiences and financial circumstances.


The Victor Anderson Scholarship Fund is awarded in memory of Victor Anderson. The fund supports intensive dance training for youth who exemplify Victor's values in dance: hard work, curiosity and community. One scholarship of $1,000 is announced each June.


Adult Scholarships

The Stephanie Jacob Adult Scholarship Fund is supported in part through a generous annual gift from Ms. Jacob's family and in part through individual donations. Your contribution will augment this support and allow more adults ages 18 through seniors to follow their desire to train and learn at SADC.

two folks dancing

Other Ways to Help

There are so many ways to help keep dance vibrant and alive in the East Bay:​

• donate stock
• make a bequest or add us to your living trust
• volunteer time at events and performances
• direct your donation to the Dance Up Close/East Bay series
• donate an item or gift for our annual auction
• donate in-kind items needed at SADC
• make a recurring monthly donation
• support the SADC board of directors

To discuss how you can support the Center please call 510-654-5921 or email

A Special Thank You to Our Generous Donors

Stephanie Jacob Adult Scholarship Program

Stephanie Jacob & John Harrigan

Bill Graham Memorial Foundation

Queering Dance Festival

Alley Wilde

Bibi Tiphane

Cameron Postnikoff

City of Berkeley/Civic Arts Program

Danny Martinez

Denise Hingle

Hannah Westbrook

Jess Bozzo

Kelsey Young

Lena Murphy

Luca Bartlett

Lucia August

Melecio and Andy Estrella Jones

Molly Levy

Nina Haft

Penina Eilberg-Schwartz

Sanjar Kurmanov

Saph Fischerhall

Sofia Bell

The Will J. Reid Foundation

Zellerbach Family Foundation

SADC Donors

Adrian Bozzolo

Aileen Kim

Alameda County Arts Commission

Alameda County Arts Commission

Albert Harnois

Alex Wong

Alicia Garton

Allegra Yellin

Allison Narlock

Alyssa Plummer

Amy Kilgard

Amy Shelf

Andrew Merrell

Andrew Weiss

Andy Weyer

Anjali Englund

Ann DiFruscia

Ann Schnake

Anna Greenberg

Anonymous Donor(s)

Anonymous Schwab Charitable Fund

Antoinette Payne

Ariel Cohen

Asal Ehsanipour

Ashley Saks

Ayah Young

Barbara Reich

Bibi Tiphane

Bill Graham Memorial Foundation

Bradley Boggie

Bridgit Bowden

California Humanities

California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

California Venues Grant Program

Camille Reed

Carly Kontra

Carol Eisenberg

Carol Uyeda

Catherine Hoepke

Cathy Davalos

Cathy Fischer

Cecelia Beam

Cecilia London

Cenovia Williams

Chanella hunter

Chantal Sampogna

Charities Aid Foundation America

Chingchi Yu

Christopher & Fermina Phillips

Christopher Randall

City of Berkeley/Civic Arts Program

Claire Engelmann

Clio Korn

Cynthia Jafee

Danny Nguyen

Debbie Isaacson

Denis Udall

Denise Hingle

Diane Daubenmier

Diane Marcus

Duncan Exon Smith

ENID Solomon

Edmer Lazaro

Ei-Matai Fund (Eastbay Community Foundation)

Elizabeth DuVal

Elizabeth Finn

Elizabeth Lawson Gill

Ellen Rosenau

Emmeline Gurrey

Ephstathia Bonadies

Erin Rhoades

Fidelity Charitable Anonymous

Frank and Sharon Malvoso

Gary Campbell

Genie Lim


Grace Chinn

Grace Kong

Grace Moon

Gwen Fyfe

Hailey Yaffee

Haley Rowland

Hannah Westbrook

Heather MacDonald

Heidi Wagner

Helen Johnson

Holly Fernandez

Ina Lim

James Miner

Jamie Edwards

Jane Rosario

Jane Yoo

Janet Crothers

Janet Jacobson

Janet Johnson

Janice Gebhardt

Jeffrey Friedman

Jen Norris

Jennifer Huang

Jennifer Minore

Give the gift of dance! Giftcards now available.